Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Watch Justin Bieber's 'Santa Claus Is Coming To Town' Video

Now that Halloween is but a distant memory, it's getting harder and harder to ignore the impending Christmas season. Normally people don't like a lot of pre-Thanksgiving holiday talk, but Justin Bieber refuses to delay the promotion of his Christmas album, Mistletoe. In fact, he is forcing the holiday spirit upon us by releasing a Christmas video every other week
The pop star has already gotten cozy Under the Mistletoe, so now he's looking to infuse himself into our childhood memories as well. His latest video, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, inserts an animagic, bobble-headed Bieber into the classic Rankin-Bass television special, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town. Yup, it's Bieber like you've never seen him before...made out of clay! My world is now complete.

Other features include a glimpse at Santa Claus checking his list (which just happens to include the name, Justin), a slew of drummer penguins, breakdancing squirrels, and a charismatic clay Bieber (yes, clay can be charismatic) singing and dancing every which-way. If this isn't enough to send you spinning into yuletide cheer then you're probably not a 13-year-old girl with a massive case of Bieber Fever, but it's definitely a unique approach to a music video. Might as well admit it now, there's just no escaping this guy. Check out the video below and see the animated Bieber for yourself:

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