Famous American magazine Sports Illustratred chose the beautiful Kate Upton for the cover of a special edition swimwear.
Kate Upton shows off her sexy body again in the latest Sports Illustrated Swimwear Edition 2013, Kate Upton is next to Tyra Banks, the only model that is 2 times ever landed on the cover of the sports magazine.
Compared to this time last year, Upton shows not as much skin as the cover of the Antarctic in the background and shows it to her skimpy bikini-swimsuit wearing a warm white jacket. However it manifests itself while still quite freely, because the jacket is open and not hiding anything.
The issue is even more beautiful women in the scene, because the magazine advertises Models from all seven continents such as Katharine Webb and Hannah Davis .
Furthermore, the magazine announced that Kate Upton will appear along with nine other models swimwear on the David Letterman Late Show to promote the issue.