Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Someone you might know on Google+

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Here are some people you might know on Google+.
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Oh man, this might be a pretty serious lockitron competitor, especially if it manages to ship before lockitron. I'll be keeping an eye on this.
Your Smartphone Is Now Your Key. With Kevo, all you need is your smartphone to unlock your door. You don't even need to take your phone out of your pocket or purse; just touch your lock, it will recognize...
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This thing called life-do not wonder why,live it to the fullest,aim your expectations high!
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Woman survives after husband accidentally shoots her in the mouth with harpoon

The Rio de Janeiro State Health Department said in a statement that the woman's husband was cleaning his spear gun when it went off, firing a harpoon that hit her cervical spine.

Read more:
Photo: Rio de Janeiro State Health Department/AP
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