The saga continues...
Two days after Sharon Osbourne released a scathing open letter -- dissing Lady Gaga and her fans for bullying her daughter Kelly Osbourne -- Mother Monster has spoken out ... again.
Gaga responded to Sharon's opinion on her feud with Kelly, taking to her Facebook page to post her thoughts on the matter. She wrote
On Jan. 10, Sharon shared a Facebook post with her fans, labeling Gaga "nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker" who could use her celebrity status to incite real change.
"I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly in your open letter," Sharon writes. "Are you so desperate that you needed to make this public? A word from you would stop all the hideous, negative and vile threats from your 'little monsters,'" she ended with.
Although this battle has heated up over the past few days, Gaga and Kelly have been at each other's throats for years. It all started in 2009 when Kelly called Gaga a "Butterface." Then at last year's Grammy Awards she deemed the pop star "disrespectful" for not walking the red carpet. And then in September, Kelly commented on Gaga's weight gain saying, “I think she is pregnant."
This time around, Kelly called the singer's fans "the worst" in a recent interview with Fabulous, saying they bully her on a daily basis. This obviously got Gaga upset as she posted an open letter on her blog, which led to Sharon's defense of her daughter.