The 49-year-old actor is said to be very 'cut up' after the 26-year-old beauty ended their seven-month romance "over his moods." To put this into perspective, Amber Heard has also enjoyed long term romances with a number of women...
A source told The Sun newspaper: "He hasn't been this smitten for a long time. He's been head-over-heels in love with Amber. But just as she started to love him back, she got cold feet. They seemed happy and were even talking of marriage and babies. But Amber grew fed up of him and his moods."
Johnny was first linked to bisexual Amber after he announced his split from Vanessa Paradis last June and friends recently spoke about how in lurve the pair were with each other. One said: "They have said 'I love you'. Amber was telling people they are officially together."
The pair had enjoyed a brief romance after meeting on the set of The Rum Diary but Amber ended things after deciding she wanted to be single.
However, Johnny wooed her back (by essentially stalking her) because he missed her so much.
Johnny and Vanessa - who have children Lily-Rose, 13, and 10-year-old Jack - split in June after 14 years together following months of speculation about the state of their relationship.
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