Thursday, January 17, 2013

Celebrity News: Lance Armstrong stripped of Olympic medal after Oprah's interview

We almost want to admit, we saw this coming, The International Olympic Committee has stripped Lance Armstrong of his bronze medal he won back in year 2000.  As you know, this is not the first time an Olympic medalist has been asked to return their gold or bronze medals for taking drugs while competing in the Olympic games.

According to, Lance Armstrong is also no longer a Tour de France winner.   After the news surfaced in the media that he allegedly confessed to using drugs during Oprah's interview, the members of the committee seemed to tuning in.   Never before did he admit to ever using drugs, but if you will read our previous article, Oprah allegedly informed viewers on CBS News, she was very satisfied with his responses.  This reveals he was not trying to obscure anything from the press or even from millions of viewers, which is a positive thing.  

We feel so bad when those whom win medals in the Olympics are sometimes not honest in their careers, but we realize everyone makes mistakes.   Lance Armstrong is not the first one to be stripped of his medal and he may not be the last, but one thing is for sure, we hope others learn and not continue the cycle.

Lance Armstrong stripped of Olympic medal as airing of Oprah interview nears

By Josh Levs, CNN

(CNN) -- Not only is disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong no longer officially a Tour de France winner -- he's no longer an Olympic medalist either.

The International Olympic Committee has stripped Armstrong of the bronze medal he won at the 2000 Olympic Games in...Read full article, here.

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Photo: Getty Images

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