Friday, October 5, 2012

Celebrity News: Mariah Carey says Nicki Minaj threatened to shoot her on set of 'American Idol'

At one time, Mariah Carey allegedly stated she was a born again Christian, really she has no business being on 'American Idol' nor yet in the secular music business.  It is a great possibility, God is allowing her to endure such strife with Nicki Minaj, because she is not supposed to mix with the world.   In 2 Cor. 6:14, the Bible says: 'Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what partnership has light with darkness?'  Therefore, if Mariah Carey really knows God and has read His Word, she knows better.

When a born again Christian mingles with the world and there is confrontation, it is most likely because they are not supposed to be in secular company.   Now, it is wrong for Nicki Minaj to threaten anyone and she should be arrested for doing so.   Since Mariah Carey is supposed to be a child of God, she does not have to fear her enemy, but rather just step away from show biz.   God sends his angels to take charge, but when these saved celebrities mingle with the world, Satan continues to have control and have fun watching his devilish children give people like Carey a hard way to go.   Of course, any born again Christian still goes through trials persecutions with devilish people, but when you step on Satan's territory, that's a whole different story and this is possibly why she feels she need tight security to protect her from Nicki Minaj.  Anyway, Mariah Carey has too much class to be on a show like 'American Idol.'

In the meantime, we will say a prayer for Mariah Carey, that she comes all the way on God's side, because as Matthew 6:24 says, 'No man can serve two masters.'  We also pray for Nicki Minaj go to also give her life to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mariah Carey: Nicki Minaj threatened to shoot me on the set of 'American Idol'

Nicki Minaj said she wanted to shoot Mariah Carey on the set of “American Idol” — and Carey, a mother of year-old twins, felt so frightened that she hired extra security, the “Dreamlover” singer revealed Thursday.

Veteran journalist Barbara Walters said on “The View” that Carey shared the new details about the feud that has roiled — or energized, depending on your perspective — the set of the creaky reality show...Read full article, here.

Source and Photo:
Photo: Michael Becker/AP

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