It maybe very exciting to learn how motion pictures were first invented by two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere who introduced the portable motion picture camera and projector, but since that era many celebrities who lived sinful lives have been a negative influence within America. Over the years since Hollywood has been in the business of making movies, many Americans have chosen to idolize what they see not only on the big screen, but also while viewing certain movies on television. The Hollywood industry has had so much power over the minds of people, many have became obsessed with some evil characters and spiritually this has had a negative impact within many American families.
There have been many Hollywood celebrities whom have lost their souls just to enjoy a lifetime of fame and fortune. Some of them grew up wondering what it was like to earn a star on the walk of fame and be among the elite whom have strolled on the red carpet, but eventually they discovered it was not worth it. Hollywood has been like the average movie, make believe. Hollywood has deceived many fans whom idolize their great legendary stars of blockbuster films, which has tricked many into getting rid of their morals and values to enjoy a taste of glamor.
The sinful lifestyles of many celebrities have been glorified in the press for too long. Many reveal their smiling faces before the press as though their fame and fortune is to be envied by millions of Americans whom yearn to be like them. Even some of the greatest film producers have not been able to cope in their personal lives, because they chose to be among the celebrity elite, instead of choosing to separate from an evil world of deceit.
The sinful lifestyles of many celebrities have been glorified in the press for too long. Many reveal their smiling faces before the press as though their fame and fortune is to be envied by millions of Americans whom yearn to be like them. Even some of the greatest film producers have not been able to cope in their personal lives, because they chose to be among the celebrity elite, instead of choosing to separate from an evil world of deceit.
When we study the history of America, we can recall how men and women were more focused on God and living a righteous life in the early part of the 20th century. Of course, there was more racism, but you have to remember that was only a satanic plan to destroy humanity, to make everything so diverse, it would appear as though it was a disgrace to righteous. Why do you think many Americans have lost their morals and values and yearn to be like Hollywood celebrities? Simply, because everything we see and hear is based on spirituality. Rich and famous celebrities whom seem so fortunate to star in some of the greatest films is nothing but deceit. Those of us whom are educated in American history can recall the past and present of America, but those of us who have also studied theater remember when there was once no such a thing as Hollywood nor celebrities whom have made it to be the great household name it is, today. Do you recall when it was a disgrace for any Hollywood celebrity to pose nude for Playboy? Now, the average one can pose nude and be discovered by some of the biggest Hollywood movie producers. The reason why nothing is a disgrace anymore and it seems there are no limits, is simply because some big time producers have controlled the minds of America, by the immoral scripts they have made into blockbuster movies. The mind is very powerful and what you allow into it could negatively or positively effect your life and this is why we do not see many Americans having any shame of what they see or do. Whenever you see people in action on a movie or a television show, then the average person tends to make a decision on what they do in their personal life on a daily basis and this is what has destroyed many marriages and families. Many men and women have failed marriages, because they chose lust which was seen in a lot of movies they watched, played by their favorite celebrity, which have given them a deception that if it feels good, do it. Many parents have no control over their kids, because they have allowed them to watch whatever they want on television and nowadays on their personal computers. Sin is glorified as being good, but having morals and values have been degraded by many Americans as bad and it is most likely because of the negative influence by what has been viewed in many movies and sitcoms.
America lacks morals and values, simply because many of those whom have created some of the most popular Hollywood productions are immoral people and they create what feels good to the flesh, but not necessarily what is good for the soul.
How can Americans ever be able to regain purity? Each and every individual must be willing to only watch movies that are good for the mind. Parents must be willing to focus on moral principles and this includes what movies they choose to watch on television, on their computer/mobile or at the cinema. Then, they will be more careful in monitoring their children. They will not allow their children to watch whatever they want or even socialize with other children whom watch inappropriate movie and televised productions. Much evil cannot proceed to rule the lives of many Americans, if they would make a wise decision to not watch what is going to negatively effect their minds and spirits.
America lacks morals and values, simply because many of those whom have created some of the most popular Hollywood productions are immoral people and they create what feels good to the flesh, but not necessarily what is good for the soul.
How can Americans ever be able to regain purity? Each and every individual must be willing to only watch movies that are good for the mind. Parents must be willing to focus on moral principles and this includes what movies they choose to watch on television, on their computer/mobile or at the cinema. Then, they will be more careful in monitoring their children. They will not allow their children to watch whatever they want or even socialize with other children whom watch inappropriate movie and televised productions. Much evil cannot proceed to rule the lives of many Americans, if they would make a wise decision to not watch what is going to negatively effect their minds and spirits.