Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hollywood Celebrity News: Man Sees Celebrities Going to Hell

Now, if you are on the road trying to become rich and famous, you better take heed to this man of God's vision.   This man of God saw in celebrities in hell.   He feels Jesus gave him the dream, because he yearned to be a celebrity.   For so many years, people have idolized celebrities without realizing what they did to get all of their fame and fortune.   We are living in such an evil day, some famous evangelists and pastors of some of the most prominent churches have even enjoyed sharing the title as a 'celebrity preacher.'   Therefore, you may not get the real message from the average preacher, which is this, 'God is not in favor of the sinful lifestyles of many celebrities and this includes those in Hollywood.'

Jesus Christ loved this young man so much, he showed him he would have been on a path of destruction if he would have sought fame and fortune.   In Matthew 6:24, the Word of God says, 'No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.'  Therefore, it is better to worship God and seek Him, instead of focusing on riches.  It is okay to have money, but not love it so much, you'll worship it.  The danger in today's average mega ministry is, the celebrity pastors will stand behind their podiums and teach you how you can become prosperous, but they do not preach against sin.   You see, they tell you what you want to hear, simply because that is how they gain their millions of dollars.   Why do you think so many of them played Michael Jackson tunes in their churches after his death?  Simply, because they have no fear of God to think that would offend Him and they have much in common with celebrities, so to them, it was okay to automatically say he went to heaven.   They were so unholy, they did not even realize God would take a teen, Angelica Zambrano (see video) to hell and show her Michael Jackson, Selena and even the Pope John Paul II, allegedly.   This is the danger of many celebrity pastors of mega ministries, they are not anointed enough to preach the truth and forewarn people about hell and this is why we are revealing this man of God's vision to you.   So please listen and take heed before it is everlasting too late.

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