Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Celebrity Hollywood News: In case you missed Jennifer Hudson on Oprah's Next Chapter, watch it now

Sisters, just in case you missed celebrity singer, actress and entrepreneur, Jennifer Hudson on Oprah's Next Chapter, we would like to give you our review.   First, Oprah Winfrey began the discussion speaking about Jennifer Hudson's success, her rise to the top.   We learned how she felt about herself, since her weight loss.  Also, there was talk about how people treated her, whether they knew her before her fame or even strangers and fans.  She revealed how life was much different, after stardom.   As black women, many of us may never know what it feels like to be an African American woman who is a celebrity, but we can all relate to our own personal lives of tragedies, although not similarly exact to Jennifer and Julia's past tragic family murder.

When David Otunga came on the set, it was very interesting to hear Oprah's alleged flirtatious remark, regarding his body, but we suppose that's the average behavior among many celebrities, they think it is okay to admire a man's body, regarding his relationship with fiancee or wife.   Hey, if Jennifer has no problem, we are not bothered by it, we just are women with a sense of morals and values based on God's Word.  Anyway sisters, it was very interesting just to watch and see them together.   When the question of marriage came up, they both seemed hesitant to respond, but Jennifer Hudson claimed it would be less than two years.   It was very interesting to hear a black man admit he likes his woman much better with curves, when the subject came up about Hudson going down from a size 16 to 12, which is something we do not hear much anymore, less long many of them attracted to us.   David is an Harvard educated man who chose wresting instead of a career as an attorney, she is blessed to have him in her life, if there relationship was designed by God.

Of course when Julia was on the set with Jennifer, it was very sad when they discussed William Balfour, her ex-husband murdering their three family members.   We saw Jennifer Hudson cry while Julia seemed to hold back tears.  They both appear and seem very close, which is much needed among all black women.   We do not want to tell you too much, so just enjoy the entire interview just in case you missed it. 

 Source: http://soulsofblackwomen.com
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