Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skin aging: Extrinsic and Intrinsic

There are several causes to skin aging: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic skin aging is caused by outside factors, such as excessive sun or wind exposure, smoking, or drinking (think extrinsic=external). Things that you put into your body, or expose your skin too, or that causes your skin to age are referred to as external skin aging. Intrinsic aging differs, as it is genetic and often inherited. Some families are known for aging well, while others age prematurely. Though there is no guarantee that you will age like your parents, chances are high that you will. Genetics can play such a vital role in aging; it is not uncommon to see family members with near identical wrinkles or lack thereof. There is no way to know exactly how you will age, but everyone, by the time they reach their mid 20s, begin the intrinsic aging process.

 FREE Healthy Skin Care Samples, Coupons & More! The intrinsic aging process is one that everyone tries to fight and prevent. While you may take many steps to prevent extrinsic aging (such as wearing sun screen when outside, eating a diet rich in skin, nutrient fruits, vegetables, and protein and drinking plenty of water), there is little that may be done to prevent intrinsic aging.

Intrinsic aging begins with the skin begins to slow in its production of collagen and elastin. For this reason, many women and men will use skin products that contain these ingredients, or even take collagen supplements to help replace lost tone and firmness. Aging is a gradual, accumulative process that continues to grow worse over time. As more collagen and elastin are lost, the skin becomes thin, loses firmness, diminished fat is noticed causing the skin to sag and form wrinkles, and the skin may become dry and itchy. During this process, men and women often use products that help alleviate symptoms associated with skin aging. Some may undergo cosmetic surgery or use Botox to help give a more youthful appearance. There are a number of treatments available to help with the effects of aging.

Some steps that may help slow down the aging process include avoiding the sun between the hours of 10 am-4 pm, as the sun is strongest during these hours, avoiding indoor and outdoor tanning, and wearing sunscreen. A healthy diet, active lifestyle, and remaining well-hydrated will go a long way for ensuring skin health. Take a multi-vitamin supplement to ensure you meet the daily nutritional requirements. Ensure that you get plenty of rest as well.

By taking care of your skin, you can help preserve its beauty and maintain its longevity.

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