Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy Birthday 57th Mr Bean!

Happy Birthday 57th Mr Bean!
Who is not familiar with the character Mr. Bean played by Rowan Atkinson . Serial MR. BEAN has become a comedy legend since his first appeared in 1990. Mr. Bean alone has succeeded in popularizing the face of Rowan to the public.

Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, the Mr. Bean is celebrating birthday on the 57th today (6 / 1). Therefore, CNT has presented a number of unique fact about a man whose full name is Rowan Sebastian Atkinson. What is unique from Mr. Bean?
1.   Rowan is a skilled person on driving the train and wagons.
2.   For car lovers, Rowan has a wide collection of super cool car racing.
3.  Did you know that actually Rowan Atkinson is stuttering? Not many people know because he's clever to deal with this situation and know how cover it.
4.  This comedian turned out to be a friend of former prime minister of England school Tony Blair , when they were both studying at the Cathedral Chorister School.
5.  Although known as geeky role in MR. BEAN, but he was very educated. His writing often appeared in various media such as automotive magazines, car magazine and Evo.
6.  In 2001, Rowan had involved a fatal accident while driving his Aston Martin V8 Zagato. Miraculously, he survived without injury.
7.  Not only Aston Martin who ever he drove to accident. Rowan also have experienced an accident while driving a MacLaren F1 car that cost up to $ 1 million. Fortunately the accident suffered no severe damage.
8.  There is no doubt for Rowan’s driving ability. This guy even have a license to drive heavy equipment.
9.  Throughout his career, Rowan has won prestigious awards such as the Variety Club Award for BBC Personality of the Year (1980) and Best Light Entertainment Performance BAFTA (1989).
10. Rowan is one of the invited guests wedding of Prince Charles with Camilla Parker-Bowles in 2005.

Thus the unique from the man who is also known as a comedian, actor and author of this manuscript. So, together let us say Happy birthday, Mr.Bean! Wish the best for you! Go for your career! :)

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