Thursday, December 1, 2011

Reese Witherspoon get hurt again

Reese Witherspoon is not lucky this year.

Reese Witherspoon get hurt again

Certainly, Reese Witherspoon is in unlucky side this year.

The actress was photographed this week with a splint in her left ear. The Daily Mailreports that the actress broke her finger, but we do not know the circumstances of the injury.

Recall that in May, Witherspoon had twisted her ankle and was left with a cast on foot.

Then, last September, she got hit by a car while she was jogging in Santa Monica. Fortunately, she came out with just a swollen eye and a gash on her forehead.

This time, her finger was injured.

Recently, the Reese Witherspoon had angered the PETA organization for wearing a bag in python. Soon, Witherspoon said she had decided to get rid of the bag for good, what PETA greatly appreciated.

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