Thursday, December 1, 2011

Demi Moore spotted with mystery man in LA

After split with Asthon Kutcher, Demi Moore shared a meal with a mysterious man.
Demi Moore spotted with mystery man in LA
Less than two weeks after announcing her separation from her husband Ashton Kutcher, actress Demi Moore, 49, has been conspicuous by her absence at the debutantes ball of his 17 year old daughter, Tallulah, in Paris.

Her ex-husband, Bruce Willis and her two other daughters, Rumer and Scout, however, were present.

It seems that during this time, Moore was in Los Angeles, trying to share a meal at the Sunset Tower with a mysterious man.

A source told Us Weekly that Moore had dined in the Hollywood florist Eric Buterbaugh Hollywood, adding: "They are very good friends. Totally platonic friends. "

Despite her recent separation and infidelity scandal of Ashton Kutcher, Moore did not seem too devastated during the dinner.

The source added that during this time accompanied by Buterbaugh, Moore "seemed to be going well, she was happy and laughing. She was just a friend and spent a lovely evening. "

Another witness told this evening that Demi Moore seemed ready to be seen in public, despite recent weeks that she had been rather quiet.

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