Sunday, August 28, 2011

Shane Warne to marry Liz Hurley

Australian bowler Shane Warne has reportedly asked girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley to marry him.
According the friends close to the couple, the wedding is likely to take place in Australia before the end of the year.

“He’s definitely the one. I didn’t know I’d ever feel this way about anyone,” Hurley is believed to have told friends.
Rumours are abuzz that Warne got down on one knee to propose to the actress on a yacht in Spain. They then toasted the news with billionaire boat owner James Packer, a long-term friend of Warne.

“The boat was moored in Marbella and the Packers were on board along with about 15 people, just close friends, no one famous. Shane and Liz flew in for a few days and looked so in love during their time,” a source said

“It was just a beautiful moment when he proposed. Really romantic, and she said yes. There was no hesitation,” the source added.

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