Friday, August 19, 2011

Gavin Henson is looking for love – on reality TV

Rugby hunk Gavin Henson has said he doesn't want love on the rebound, so why is he hoping his appearance on TV show The Bachelor could lead to marriage?
And finally, to showbiz romance, a dizzyingly fast-paced world where normal rules are cast aside. So thank heavens for the common-sense advice doled out by rippling rugby hunk and ex-partner of Charlotte Church, Gavin Henson. "I think the worst thing you can do after a relationship is to go straight into another one on the rebound." It is, he says, a matter of maintaining dignity: "It's a respect thing."
LiS ignores those who suggest that anyone planning on maintaining their dignity might be best advised to avoid starring in a fairly excruciating-sounding reality show called The Bachelor in which 25 women, including someone who used to go out with one of Blue, "slug it out on TV" to be your new girlfriend, and furthermore not to publicise said show by posing for adverts naked save for a selection of rose petals covering your genitals.
"Maybe I'm a bit naive," he offers, "but I think it could end in marriage", a hopeless romantic, tripping wide-eyed through the mysterious rose-strewn "bower of bliss" that is a cross-platform deal promotional deal between Channel 5 and the Daily Star.

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