Cults: Jesus said call no man father, why do Christian cults call leaders ‘daddy’
Cults come in all shapes, sizes and forms. They also span the gamut of religious organizations from Christian to New Age and then some. In fact, the words “Christian cults” may seem a misnomer since a cult is actually so far from an original denomination it is no longer associated with the parent group. Still, in today’s society, many people recognize and refer to a number of cults as Christian. Jim Jones of Jonestown, David Koresh of the Branch Davidians, even Warren Jeffs of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FDLS) are referred to by some as being “Christian.” A clear example of this could be seen in the Westboro Baptist Church. The group has all the qualities of being a cult, while many feel they are a Christian church. Note, this word is used loosely, is not in its true sense of the word and is used in error- however, it is common for many in society to refer to these leaders and churches as Christian.
Cults: Jesus said call no man father, why do Christian cults call leaders daddy - National cults | Examiner.comVideos: Cult leaders as Daddy