Burt’s Bees: Bug Bite Relief
If you’ve ever looked for something to stop the itching in bug bites quickly and efficiently, yet wanted to ensure
that the product you used was made of natural ingredients then the search is over. Burt’s Bees Bug Bite Relief is 100% natural and uses a blend of herbal essential oils to quickly calm and soothe bug bites.
The medicinal herbs used in Burt’s Bees Bug Bite Relief include a mixture of 0.4% camphor and 0.2% menthol prepared in an herbal base of beeswax, rice bran wax, grapeseed oil, orange oil, tea tree oil, lemongrass oil, stem clove oil, lavender Bulgarian oil, shea butter and tocopherol. Tocopherol is an organic compound rich with Vitamin E. In addition to the medicinal properties of menthol and camphor, lavender oil, tea tree oil and stem clove oil are widely used to treat irritated skin, including insect bites.
The medicinal herbs used in Burt’s Bees Bug Bite Relief include a mixture of 0.4% camphor and 0.2% menthol prepared in an herbal base of beeswax, rice bran wax, grapeseed oil, orange oil, tea tree oil, lemongrass oil, stem clove oil, lavender Bulgarian oil, shea butter and tocopherol. Tocopherol is an organic compound rich with Vitamin E. In addition to the medicinal properties of menthol and camphor, lavender oil, tea tree oil and stem clove oil are widely used to treat irritated skin, including insect bites.