Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Kirstie Alley allegedly says John Travolta is not Gay: You mean to tell us there is someone left in Hollywood ashamed of being a gay?

Allegedly, Kirstie Alley is setting the record straight, saying John Travolta is not gay.  For some reason, women always make an explanation more for men than women, no matter how some of them have done them wrong, not saying Travolta has done anything to offend her.   In this specific case, we are shocked that Travolta could have asked Kirstie to make a statement to the press out of embarrassment.   If so, we are shocked that a Hollywood celebrity would be ashamed of being gay in this era when it is more accepted by our American society.

Don't get us wrong, it is a good thing to be ashamed of an alleged sin, according to God's Word.   It is a good thing to hear of a Hollywood celebrity deny he or she is gay, because the pride has gone too far.  Morals and values are not only absent within the Hollywood movie industry, but also, overall within our American society.  Usually, whatever is popular in Hollywood today, the majority of Hollywood celebrities desire to be a part of it and this is why their fans idolize and do whatever they do, but evidently Kristie Alley is doing whatever she can to set the record straight for her good friend, Travolta. Shame to do something that God says not to do should be in the hearts of everyone.   Of course, Doug Gotterba, the man whom allegedly claims to be John Travolta's ex-lover could be trying to get money, because homosexuality is very acceptable in this era, but we cannot understand any other reason why Gotterba would admit to having sex with him, according to Possibly, he is bitter and has a grudge against John Travolta, because he does not want anything else to do with him.  Gotterba allegedly claims Travolta confessed he was attracted to men, even after he was marriage to actress, Kelly Preston in 1992.  Let us ask you, what difference does it make after all of these years?

Is Doug Gotterba just talking about it, because misery loves company and he wants John Travolta to be known as an open homosexual like a lot of other people?   If John Travolta was really attracted to men back in the day, thank God he obviously no longer wants to identify with being a gay man, because God is able to change a homosexual and He is a deliverer.  Therefore, John Travolta has a right to be known as a straight man and never even think about being with gay men, it is his choice and his right.

Kirstie Alley on John Travolta: 'He's Not Gay'


On Election Day of all days, Kirstie Alley managed to infiltrate the news cycle with the startling confession that she fell in love with co-stars Patrick Swayze and John Travolta.

With Swayze, Alley told Entertainment Tonight that the feeling was mutual on the set of the 1985 TV mini-series North and South. She was married to Parker Stevenson and he was married to...Read full article, here.

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