Monday, October 29, 2012

Hollywood Celebrity News: Intoxicated Neighbor Tasered and Arrested at Tom Cruise's Home

Here we go again, another Hollywood celebrity encounters troubles at their estate, except this time it is Tom Cruise neighbor.  Tom Cruise nor his family were present during this confrontation between security and his neighbor.  We cannot comprehend, if this is Cruise's neighbor, then why did it seem like he was allegedly trying to break into his home?   It seems like if people can afford to live in a Beverly Hills neighborhood, then they would not even think about trying to steal from their neighbors.

According to, the man was allegedly spotted by Tom Cruise security and appeared to be drunk.   Security used a stun gun to tame him until police arrived, then he was arrested for trespassing.  

This news reveals that even Hollywood celebrities can live next door to some very dangerous neighbors whom may be their worst enemies.  They maybe able to afford to reside near some of the most rich and famous people, but obviously some of them could be some of the worst criminals, making it very difficult to live in peace. 

 In the meantime, we will keep Tom Cruise and his family in our prayers, including his neighbor.

Intoxicated Neighbor Tasered at Tom Cruise's Home

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (KTLA) -- Police say that a suspected prowler who was tasered by a security guard at actor Tom Cruise's home was actually an intoxicated neighbor.

The incident happened at Cruise's Beverly Hills home around 9:30 p.m. Sunday, when the actor and his family...Read full article, here.

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